Soccer Pitches

Indoor Turf – Artificial Grass for Indoor Sports

Which is the best artificial grass for football

Indoor Turf products are made of PE and PP threads in tufting machines. Artificial turf products can be used for indoor and outdoor facilities. It can be used in sport facilities also can be used for gardens, terraces, balconies or sport areas.

Artificial turf products are commonly used for indoor and outdoor football pitch construction. Indoor turf and outdoor turf products are same but if it is in outside under UV lights the warranty time will not be as indoor soccer field. Because turf affected too much from outside weather conditions.

Why Artificial Turf for Indoor Use?

Artificial Turf is the best product to be used for indoor facilities. Indoor turfs are very common for football fields and multi use sport facilities.

People are prefering turf products for some important reasons;

Indoor turf does not need any maintenance cost.

It is very cheap compare to natural grass.

Another point is indoor turf does not need watering or a gardener who is always taking care of the grass and trying to keep it always alive and looking green.

It is very easy to keep indoor turf products always green and looking nice and natural. All these facts shows that indoor turf products make things easier for entrepreuners and that is the reason why people prefer it.